Introducing Arts Orillia – committed to creativity, culture, and community! Our newly-branded arts organization is thrilled to introduce our vision for the future.

Last August our organization, formerly Orillia Centre for Arts + Culture, published an article titled “We’re Changing.” With the help of our strategic planning consulting team, we are launching a three-year agenda that will take us in a new direction. It has been an exciting year of brainstorming with an eclectic and diverse group of artists, educators, community leaders, and stakeholders who have worked closely with our organization to guide our new mandate.
Partnering with local organizations and collaborating with our arts community are core values for our organization. Arts Orillia is excited to bring together audiences, artists, and cultural leaders who share a vision for an inclusive, environmentally sustainable, culturally dynamic, and generationally-connected community.
This past spring, Creative Director Kate Hilliard and a group of invited artists worked in more than 15 local schools and engaged more than 800 children. Bonnie Black, Arts Facilitator for Simcoe County Board of Education says, “we are grateful for the consistent dedication and support of Arts Orillia in providing learning opportunities for our students.” An integral part of the future of the organization depends on the strong relationships that have been built throughout the 2021 season. We are working closely with the Orillia Opera House, and entering into another year of programming in partnership with the Chippewas of Rama First Nation. Arts Orillia is engaged in a Collaborative Partnership Agreement with Orillia & District Arts Council. ODAC Board member Christine Hager values this strong relationship commenting, “together we have explored opportunities and collaborated to share resources. Our common goal is to enrich cultural diversity and strengthen inclusion in our community.”
The Board of Directors and management team at Arts Orillia are a passionate group of individualswho are dedicated to the work ahead. If you are interested in becoming involved, please see our call for board members here: https://www.artsorillia.ca/call-for-board-members. Creative Director Kate Hilliard notes, “an encounter with the arts – a song, a dance, a poem – has the potential of becoming a life-changing experience.” This is our goal!Stay tuned for our season launch coming August 31st, 2022!