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Ways to Support

Arts Orillia Charitable #: 81819 8764 RR0001


Spotlight: $100 - $500

Curtain Call: $500 - $1000

Director’s Chair: $1000 - $10,000


Please contact us if you would like one of our programs to be named in your honour! 

(Gifts of $10,000 or more.)

Support Gathering: Festival of First Nations Stories

Gathering: Festival of First Nations Stories is a unique festival - the only one of it’s kind in Canada! The event benefits local, regional, and national communities, by bringing the brightest and the best First Nations authors and presenters to The Chippewas of Rama First Nation. Gathering speaks to the power of language in communicating First Nations stories to other First Nations communities and to the broader world of non-Indigenous cultures.

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This project aims to bring young people together using creative practice as a way of expressing, socializing, and learning through music and sound composition.

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These experiences blend the creative practices of dance, visual arts, and creative writing with learning and ecological preservation.

Support Our Youth Programming

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Support Theatre & Cross Creativity

How can theatre act as an agent for social change within our community? We believe that a better future  is possible when artists, activists, youth, community care keepers, leaders and future leaders come together in creative projects that aim to impact the lives of our local citizens. 

Sponsor an Artist-in-Residency


Become a sponsor for one of our Artist-in-Residency as they create new dance, theatre, and literary works that will be shared with our local community and audiences across Canada. 

  • Sponsor our artists-in-residency dance program

  • Sponsor our artists-in-residency theatre program

  • Sponsor our artists-in-residency writers’ program

Thank You


Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Canada Council for the Arts
Ontario Arts Council
Orillia Trillium Foundation


Fred Larsen
Ludek Podhradsky
Sue Newman
Tomson Highway

Community Friends

Arts Orillia proudly acknowledges the support of:

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